Travelling to Finca La Mariposa
Airports nearby are:
Malaga International Airport - about 50 minutes Printer Friendly Instructions
Granada - about 1 hour 20 minutes, small airport but very good road links Printer Friendly Instructions
Jerez - about 2 hours 30 minutes, small airport
Any Problems call us on;-
Telephone (44)239 307 4325
Mobile (44)758 465 2899
Our Address;-
Finca La Mariposa
Calle Vinuela
Valle De Abdalajis
29240 Malaga
Car hire from: http://www.malagacar.com/. We recommend booking way before your arrival, and they are located a few yards from the Airport but you are collected by a courtesy bus.
Flights: Cheap flights to Spanish airports are available from UK airports through Easyjet and RyanAir.